Saturday, February 21, 2009


Did you know that a person doesn't need giant faith to take care of the giants in their life? If you had faith the size of the mustard seed you can move mountains.(Matthew 17:20 ) Oh boy, here we go on the faith subject again. The Holy Spirit keeps bringing it up, so I guess it's pretty important for the times in which we live. That sure is an understatement. Lets pray and get into the spiritual stream together. "Glorious Father, thank you so much for Your love for us and for letting us borrow that love to give back to You and others. You have surely entrusted us with a most precious thing indeed. Help us to be good stewards over it and all other things You have graciously bestowed upon us...mere men, but yet children of God. Teach us Holy Spirit about this living thing called faith. We love You. In Jesus name we pray....AMEN"

What are the giants in your life? Let's go over a few shall we. Some of these we all go through, some are my own personal giants or maybe some of the giants you face are not discussed here, but they are surely real enough to you. Have you ever had a loved one who you prayed for diligently and had them slip away without knowing where there eternal destination was? Have you ever had a phone call in the middle of the night which changed your life forever? Do you have a besetting sin which you keep repenting over to no avail? Have you lost a son or daughter, maybe a spouse or parent? Did you lose everything you own in a natural disaster? Oh the heartache, doubt, worrying and unbelief such things bring to bear on us frail vessels.

Do you live in a worn torn country not knowing when the next bomb is coming? We might be there ourselves one day, yes, even this grand ole United States of America. Did you just lose your job with no hope in sight for shelter and food for your little ones? Even the death of a pet can seem a large giant at the time. Did an unforeseen accident leave you maimed or paralyzed? What about the agony of finding out that your spouse has been unfaithful? Is your giant constant, chronic pain which has lasted years and years, even decades? Sometimes a giant may be regret over past sins or the constant condemnation that you are not doing enough for the Kingdom. These seem small to some but are real giants to those going through them. Yes, even loneliness is a Goliath to be sure.

Your heart can't help to go out to the children we see so often in other countries (ours too!) so frail and malnourished. To them the possibility of being fed is a giant. Being a widow is a giant. Being an orphan is a giant. God said that the only religion He recognizes is taking care of the widows and orphans. Which means they are real concerns.(James 1:27 ) Laying in bed at night frightened because of the evil neighborhood in which you live is a large one. Maybe you dread the future. The news media surely offers little hope in this area. Jesus did say that we should not worry about the future because each day has enough trouble of its own.(Matthew 6:34 )I guess another real giant could be a question about where you would spend eternity if you passed away today. To born again believers (those surrendered to the Lord Jesus) that wouldn't normally be a giant, but we live in a time where the devil's whispering in our ears is becoming louder because his time is short. So, yes, doubts about our salvation at times could be a giant. Maybe a giant which grow many heads if we allow our doubts to push into ways to comfort our salvation certainty...such as good works and religion.

The torment that passes through the mind of a rape victim surely is a giant. Did you just find out that you are adopted? Are you a girl still in high school and find yourself expecting? The phone rings and the F.B.I. reports to you that your child is in jail in another country. That will keep you up at night. Kidnapped. Even the very word spreads terror in the heart and is a very large giant indeed. Another word(giant) that brings fear of the worst kind (even to the most devout Christian) is cancer. The world we live in seems to be a land full of giants. Again, Jesus said that while we are in this world we will have tribulation but to cheer up because He has overcome the world. And that overcoming power lives in us.(John 16:33)

This is not a discourse to discover the reasons for these giants. Neither will we try to figure out why, God, why. The giants are here. They are real. Hopefully we can learn how small they really are compared to the Large God Who is much alive and cares about us. If He gave His very own Son to die in our place while we were yet sinners, how much more so will He give us all things pertaining to life and godliness now that we are in covenant with Him. Don't get me wrong. These things in life, and many more besides, which are ugly and traumatic are very, very real. You will not hear from me such things as, "oh, I will pray for you," or simply "God will work it out, just believe." No, you certainly will not !!

Instead, you and I will do just as David did. We will look at that giant and say, "I will grieve appropriately with my God when needed." "I might even question God from time to time." "Giant, I may even despair at times and waver in my faith." "But know this for certain mr. devil, you will not destroy me and you can't have me because God has an everlasting covenant with me." "I am washed in the blood of the Lamb and His mark is upon my heart." What mark is that you may ask. It is a covenant mark. It is an everlasting sign upon our heart which testifies that we belong to the Most High. And whatever God says, that will He do. That's covenant talk. Thats love talk. So when you find giants coming up against you from time to time, react as the human you are, but remember to run to the throne from which your help comes.

And do one more thing for me would you? When that giant seems to be getting the better of you, pick up that little stone of faith (the love covenant Word's of God Himself to you and me) and fire it at that ole nasty giant the evil one. He will not stand because I will tell you a little secret. That little stone (faith) the size of a mustard seed is as big as God. And like David, talk to that giant. Say, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of Hosts. And know this, it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord's and He will give you into my hand." Remember that David called Goliath uncircumcised. That means the giant is not in covenant with God. And that is not a very good place to be. So, go ahead. Pick up that covenant Word of God and sling away. No giant is a match for your covenant brother...Jesus, the King of Glory.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I want to remind everyone to look for the upcoming blog titled "I Give Up." It will be coming soon. The Holy Spirit will tell me when it is time. May I also ask you to pray with me please? "Dear God Almighty, thank you so much for your gifts given to man. Help us all to use these gifts for your glory. Help me especially to give You all the honor for anything good that comes out of me. I am an ordinary man but I serve an extraordinary God. We love You Jesus and await Your coming with joyful expectation. In Jesus name....AMEN."

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Happy Valentine's Day everyone! We are hopefully aware of the truth that God is more than willing to make us His. So evident in the life and sacrifice of His Son Jesus on our behalf. But is it really? During this session we will explore God's great love for us and His desire to make us His most special Valentine. We will also explore the possibility of making Jesus our most special Valentine. God has given us His heart. Will we give Him ours? Oh Father, please give us eyes to see Your heart for us as portrayed in the life of Jesus. Holy Spirit, please help us to give our heart to God, in this we will be able to say with assurance that Jesus is our very first (top priority) love. Let us experience this most awesome of all love affairs first hand. In Jesus name....AMEN.

Before we discover together the very love of God as lived out before us in Christ Jesus, let us briefly lay some ground work about the Lord's divine plan of salvation and why we need a savior. This will help us to rightly understand how we got ourselves into this mess of needing forgiveness. How Jesus is more than just a scapegoat on our behalf, but actually a bridge between the old and new covenant's. By the way, a real good book on the old and new covenant is "The Covenant Unveiled" by David Wilkerson. Holy Spirit please help me to write this because this is a most life saving subject and I am not interested in what Kenny G. has to say. Give us ears to hear please Dear Sir.

In the beginning, in the very beginning, God decided that He wanted a family. Children to love. Children to love Him. When that was decided we do not know. But it was mutually agreed upon that we would be created in His image and likeness. (Genesis 1:26 ) The very real and physical image of Jesus and the likeness of the Almighty Father. Eternal beings originally destined to fellowship with God spirit to Spirit. Holy beings with a free will. Children with purpose. Children with power who would rule and reign. Of course sin changed all that. For four thousand years anyway. Until Jesus came.

All this was talked about in the very beginning of God's Word. God knew we would sin. In fact it was necessary because without that choice we would be mere robots and God wanted us to give Him our love as a choice. God knew we would need a Savior way back in the Garden of Eden. (Genesis 3:15 ) He also knew when that Savior would come, who He would be and that His blood would have to be shed to bring us back to right standing with Him...our Daddy. Without the shedding of blood their is no remission of sin. (Hebrews 9:22 ) That is the way God set up things. He is God after all. God showed right off that He wanted us to be His Valentine. His special love. First, He created us in His image. Secondly, when we messed up He promised to make it right. It would be made right in the death and resurrection of His most precious and only begotten Son, Jesus.

Let's touch on the old and new covenant for a moment before we get to how God is crazy in love with us. After Adam sinned a covenant with God and man was formed beginning with Abraham. This lasted about four thousand years, and remains in effect to this very day. Covenant, a mutual agreement, a contract. And believe me, with God, covenant is ever so binding. Anyway, why it took four thousand years before we were offered Jesus in order to restore us to right standing with God I do not know. I do know this, the old covenant was filled with rules and regulations which man could not keep completely. It was a means to show man that holiness comes from God and it is never possible to achieve it on our own merit, good works or even keeping rules set down by Him or some other religion. And boy our nation sure has a good number of those types of institutions.

Why are we talking about covenant during a Valentine's message? Glad you asked. Well, I asked too because I am just going with the flow of the Holy Spirit at this point and I kind of want to know. Here is some of the answer. To me covenant is God showing He is interested in us, sold out to our cause of well-being and His agreement(or contract with man) is always filled with the most wonderful promises of blessings He will bestow upon us. The greatest of these covenant promises is found throughout the Old Testament. It was the promise of sending His Son Jesus to save us from hell. To reconcile us to Himself. To restore our fellowship with Him. To forgive us of our sins. And so, so much more. Yes, the Old Testament is full of prophecies, types and shadows concerning the Messiah....King Jesus. Even throughout the Old Covenant we can hear God crying out..."I love you so much and have made you Mine. Will you please make Me yours?"

And then came the birth of Jesus. Even in that we see God's great love for us as He humbled Himself and became a man. Jesus, born of the Holy Spirit, completely and perfectly fulfilling the laws of the Old Covenant. Proving that He Himself, and He alone, is the rightful One to be called Messiah and Savior. God legally took back what the devil had stolen from Him....His family. He did this through the shedding of sinless blood. He did it through a man..Christ Jesus. Jesus is called the second Adam. A man had to legally redeem us from what a man (the first Adam) had gotten us into. So even at the Birth of Jesus we can hear God calling to us again.() And of course with this good news we can hear ever so plainly, "I love you so much and have made you Mine. Will you please make Me yours?"

A hush fell over the crowd that day as the Teacher was about to speak. But seeing that the thousands of people gathered were so hungry, Jesus took the fish and loaves and fed them. Jesus was whispering even then, "I love you so much and have made you Mine. Will you please make Me yours?"

Oh woman, your accusers are no longer here. Neither do I accuse you. I forgive you, go and sin no more. Lazarus, come forth from the grave. Unwrap him and let him go. The lepers went away with great joy as the Anointed One healed them and made them whole. The demon possessed man was freed and put in his right mind. The woman with the issue of blood was healed after 12 years of misery in her body. Jesus whispered to the prostitute. He whispered to Lazarus. He whispered to the lepers. He whispered to the demon possessed man. He whispered to the woman with the issue of blood, "I love you so much and have made you Mine. Will you please make Me Yours?" And He whispers still. Can you not hear?

"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing." Jesus said this in Luke 13:34. Can you hear the sadness in His voice? Yes, Jesus came to set the religious free. To bridge the gap between the law of the Old Covenant and grace of the New Covenant. But the Jewish people did not recognize Him as Messiah. After all the prophecies pertaining to Him. After all the love, compassion and miracles Jesus displayed among them they still desired religion. They still desired to waste their time trying to make themselves holy with their observances and good works. Jesus was whispering to them too. And He still does today.."I love you so much and have made you Mine. Will you make Me yours?"
As you look upon my disfigured face, my bruised body and the ridicule I have taken upon myself (the King of Glory) for your sakes do you still not see my love for you? Lifted up upon the cruel and rugged cross of the Romans I still look at you through tear stained eyes and love you. Listen, as I suffer the greatest anguish of all. Can you not hear me scream out as all of your sin was placed upon me? As the curse you have been under was placed wholly upon me. The scream was not from the pain. It was because my Father left me alone for a brief moment as the judgement of your sin was placed upon me. But even then as I breathed my last and said "It is finished," I still was whispering to you.."I love you so much and have made You mine. Will you make Me yours?"
And the question remains even until this day. Will I hear? Will you? Yes we will! Oh Jesus, we will give ourselves to You this day. You have made us Yours. Now we say with great joy....Jesus, will You be my Valentine?

Friday, February 13, 2009

DO I QUALIFY FOR A BLESSING? (Personal Journal Entry 12/08/2004)

According to Noah Webster's 1828 dictionary to be blessed is defined as "Happy; prosperous in worldly affairs; enjoying spiritual happiness and the favor of God." Noah also describes blessing as "Making happy; a wish of happiness pronounced and a prayer imploring happiness upon another." Sure there are many more definitions but these will suffice for now. What do you think of when you hear the word blessed? Many might go straight to the worldly blessings of riches. Some may think of safety, provision ascribed miraculously. Yet others may think of the blessing of peace within. This is a vast subject indeed. For now we will talk briefly about our response when we see blessings conferred upon someone we might not feel is deserving. And then the way the Holy Spirit looks upon that most selfish response.

Most glorious Heavenly Father, we thank You so much for Your love, blessings and favor upon all of mankind. We surely don't deserve anything good but we receive from You with great thanksgiving shrouded in a humble heart. May we all learn from You in this matter. The matter of being a blessing to all You place in our path. And all good things come from Your Majestic throne. Thank You for allowing us to share in Your fellowship of love and mercy with others. We love You. In Jesus name....AMEN.

(remember, this was a journal entry from 2004) About a month ago a certain friend and I were spending a great deal of time together. A new convert. So we spent time praying together, reading the Word, encouraging each other etc. Then for weeks he got away from our fellowship and when I saw him again he was drinking, cussing and hanging out with old friends. My first thought was he and God were just a distant and an emotional spur of the moment thing. Wow, do I need to change my thinking. Then I saw him again a few more weeks later and he told me that he got his girlfriend saved; God found him a job; a place to stay; he had a Christian boss and was still reading his bible. Then I thought maybe all this wasn't true because he is still hanging out with his old friends and cussing. I mean how could God be blessing him so richly and his behavior is so worldly still. Instead I should have rejoiced and thought the best of him because that is what love does. And then I felt ashamed and said, look at me...who am I to judge? Pretty shameful huh?

Then I wondered why God is blessing him so richly when I have all the revelation. (just trying to be honest here people) WAKE UP CALL! God said His blessings are in relationship to the obedience to the faith we have. Oh great, back to my quest of being surrendered, sold out and walking in the fear of the Lord. Not for blessings, but because in that state I would be better at seeing things the way God sees them. Oh God please help me not to question what You are doing in the lives of others. Help me to expect You to do something great for others. Keep my focus on ME. Working out my own salvation with fear and trembling.

And oh precious God...I don't want to be obedient because of blessings but because I love You. Would You work that in me please. Would You please? I need You Daddy. HELP!

I was also taught something else about my prideful, selfish nature. Often I pray that God would save an individual and put them in a better position to be healed and blessed. NOTE to self: there should never be any qualifications for God's favor and blessing. That is His business from the chiefest sinner ( such as I ) to the greatest saint. How should I look at such things? Remember ,Kenny G., that Jesus came to show us the mercy and loving kindness of the Father.

Jesus didn't look for those deserving to be blessed. He didn't require that a person be born again...sometimes He didn't even preach salvation. He healed ALL who were oppressed of the devil. He looked for everyone to be blessed and healed. Sure we need to promote Jesus. In fact I need to be Jesus...blessing, healing and encouraging ALL who are oppressed. Be Jesus. Let God save. He wants the doorway of His goodness and mercy to be open. Sure Jesus remains the only doorway to the Father and eternal life but we all need to receive from God. And that sometimes does something in the heart. And that is God's business. SO BE BLESSED !

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So, how is everybody doing? One thing I am especially having a difficult time with is observing our nation going down the tube rapidly. Washington seems to care for themselves only and are doing things which seem so evil and ignorant. But on the other hand I understand that God is in control and His judgement has finally been unleashed on this nation. Even with that understanding it is so difficult because we still live here and love this nation. The nation that was firmly built on the foundation of Jesus at its onset. Let us pray, "Oh God You are just, holy and righteous. Your ways are good and perfect. Help us to keep our eyes on You during these most troubling times. Help us to continue our love walk. To continue our faith walk. To continue to repent for our nation. To continue to pray for, love and bless our elected officials which is difficult at times. May we fall madly in love with you like never before. In Jesus name...AMEN."

This particular blog is a past entry from my personal journal. Please enjoy and be blessed. May the Holy Spirit open our eyes and ears so we may see and hear what the Holy One is saying.

In death, life will come. Sounds unusual but God's Kingdom works on that principal. If we are not enjoying intimacy with Christ to the measure we desire then something has to die. God's Kingdom demands faith and love. Faith and love demand dying to our selfish desires and thoughts and submitting to God's desires.

Faith is trusting God when we think it's impossible, hard or when we just plainly don't agree. If Peter would have waited until the sea was calm and all conditions were right he wouldn't have exercised the faith that Jesus demands. If Abraham would not have journeyed to a far land just because God said so, and if he had not taken the sword to his son without believing God would raise him from the dead then we wouldn't have our father of faith. If Jesus would not have laid down His life and believed God for His resurrection then we would be doomed.

Faith in God always requires a step of denial to our desires and thinking. All things from God require a journey through the cross. Faith always begins with a surrender of our thoughts to God's thoughts. Faith without works is dead. Either the action is an actual stepping out of the boat (obedience) or the action of a surrendered will (waiting) til the promise is fulfilled. By faith and patience we inherit the promises.(Hebrews 6:12 )

Obedience is the action of faith. God said that NOW He knew Abraham feared Him because of his obedience. (Genesis 22:12 ) He also says if we love Him then we will be obedient (faith and love in action).(John 14:15 ) Whatever God has promised you and I will bring hope. In order to receive that promise we must go across the bridge of love and faith. Faith cannot work without love. (Galations 5:6) We grow in our intimacy with Christ through prayer, reading the Word and sometimes just hanging out with Him. Allowing Him to wrap His arms around us. That love spurns trust (faith) and now we wait hopefully and with full assurance til the promise is fulfilled.

So whether faith is obedience in action or the submitting to God out of love while we wait for a promise it is always going through the cross. Always going through humility knowing that we are much lower than our God. Faith and love are always a form of self denial. It is always saying that I believe God. I love God. I trust God. And it always, always says I will do these things whether I feel like it or not. Why? Because Jesus is my master and that is my role in this God/man relationship. Trust(love) and obey for there is no other way. And oh boy, how will we survive these times without a most firm foundation in Christ Jesus ?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


God is doing so many wonderful things in the Body of Christ. So many wonderful things for all people of the earth. What a loving, merciful and powerful God we serve. We could go on for hours talking about what Jehovah is doing in Israel. And hours upon hours about the onslaught of conversions in Muslim countries, in communist nations and in the whole world in general. Miracles, bondage's being broken, marriages being healed, divine protection and families being reconciled. His mercy is never ending. His Glory is covering the earth. I guess this a good time to pray that we might hear what the Spirit has for us today. "We bow before You Almighty God. You are full of mercy and everlasting kindness. Your throne is above all. You are a forgiving God. A wonderful Father. A glorious Savior. A reigning King. Yes, Oh hail King Jesus. Help us Oh God to love. Not just in showing love but in receiving love. Your love. Make us what You want us to be for your purposes and Glory. We trust You. We adore You and we want You in our lives. We joyfully expect Your Coming. In Jesus Name...AMEN."

May I please go on a rabbit trail before I begin? Thanks ! There are probably many churches (assemblies) around the world which truly represent the end time church as it should be. I am personally acquainted with two. They are New Covenant Church in Valdosta,Ga. ( and David Wilkerson's church in Times Square, New York ( By end time churches I mean this..The men governing these assemblies pray and fast about everything concerning the flock and ministry put under them. These holy men of God truly do not move unless the Holy Spirit says so. These stewards are very concerned about what God wants for them and His people. The people themselves are in unity with God and each other. Desiring above all things the Holy Father Himself. Always expecting God to show up during the services and when He does they know that the schedule doesn't matter anymore. Hello..God showed up. And He does. OFTEN. Why did I mention these two assemblies? Because they remain my family and I will refer to them from time to time in these blogs.

Many, many years ago I had a prophet speak over my life and into my life. At the time I was in no condition to understand what the words meant nor did I care. I was too self absorbed with myself and the multiple episodes of depression I was suffering. They came in many flavors and frequencies. Some led to suicidal attempts and many hospital stays. Some led to anger, drugs and alcohol. They all led to a state of mind which desired to vanish without a trace. God has done a most marvelous work in me since those times (by His grace) but that was my state when the prophet spoke. He said, "Your spirit is in a fetal position."

Fast forward to last week. Joan (my wife) and I were listening to a worship CD from New Covenant which we do several times a week. During one song the words were singing about the Father wrapping His arms around me and holding me. My spirit broke within me. The Holy Spirit began to show me many things about myself, the Body and all people of the world in just an instant. He said to me, "Kenny, remember I told you that your spirit is in a fetal position?" Yes sir, I said and then the Holy Spirit went on to say, " You don't know how to be loved. Your earthly Father was not a very good example to you in this matter. Many in my Body are in the same situation. In fact, most people of the earth do not trust and are fearful of being loved. This bondage will be broken soon enough and so many things will take on a new light. My love is freedom. Get ready, be expectant and pray."

From there the Holy Spirit began teaching me the things I need to know for now concerning this great thing He is doing. Yes, the people in this condition (including myself) love God with their whole heart. They serve, give, worship, meditate on scripture, pray intercede and seem to do all that is expected as followers of Jesus. But deep inside there seems to be a slight shadow. A slight hint that all is not well but they just can't put a finger on it. They strive to do even more and more for the Body but that conflict still remains. The conflict which says, "something is missing and sometimes my love walk seems to be out of my own striving." GOOD NEWS...God has heard our cry and He intends to do something about it. In the days to come we will understand more fully God's love for us and how to receive it.

Boy, this is going to be a most exciting and powerful journey indeed. Just think, really receiving God's love will help us love Him, ourselves and others better. That circle of love will be complete. Even the worship will change. We will discover that our songs will not only be our words of love and adoration from us to Him but from Him to us. A sweet, sweet love affair. How precious. How powerful. Light to the world. Light to the world.

The second great thing God is doing really goes hand in hand with the first. How many of you are like me? Somewhere inside I see myself as a great holy man of God. One who is quick to obey. One who God considers His friend. Serving God with such vigor and power. How can such a thing come about? I surely can't make myself that person. Just like Paul, I say Oh but God can. And He will. By His grace. By the power of the Holy Spirit. He will. He surely will. What is this second great thing called? The Holy Spirit told me (while my heart was still breaking about not being able to receive love) it is called the FEAR OF THE LORD.

We will not have time to go into this most vast subject in this blog but will expound on it in weeks to come. The Holy Spirit told me that soon the grace to finally come to a final surrendered state before our Lord Jesus will occur. Oh Hallelujah ! Lets just say this for now, the Fear of the Lord is more than just a reverent attitude toward our Maker. It is a state where a person is quick to obey. A state of holiness. A state of being completely sold out to the Almighty God. Didn't Jesus say that if you love me you will obey me? Revival is coming. God's glory is knocking on the door. Hang on brothers and sisters, the cavalry is coming and His name is King Jesus.

Pray with me and FOR ME please, Oh God, I want to know how to receive love..Your love. Thank you so much for not giving up on me. For giving me hope. Love me Daddy. Oh please love me Daddy. Help us all dear Lord to be enabled to receive love. Help us to love each other and let the world see your love in us. Sanctify us. Make us holy for You are holy. Present us to Your Son Jesus as a glorious bride without spot or wrinkle. We love You Oh God and give You all the glory for these most marvelous things. In Jesus name...AMEN.
