Wednesday, September 9, 2009


This Christmas message was originally sent out in 2007. Please enjoy. The message is still relevant for today.

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus. Please know that we desire to see you all face to face in the bond of great Love which comes only from our Father in heaven, but the Spirit constrains us at this time. Nevertheless, we are prayerful you are doing well this Glorious Day. Confident that regardless of your circumstances God is willing and able to walk you through with great joy and hope of His love. He is faithful and entirely open to us all.

My soul is greatly troubled. My body racked with pain. Dread assaults me with stinging lies. After many, many years of writing the words of Truth from our Holy Father, in love, I find this message, above all others, is under great attack from the evil one. Yet God is abundant in His grace to move me forward. This may well be my last message. (This was concerning messages which I mail to family and friends.) Only God knows. The world as we know it is about to change suddenly. This message is one of warning and encouragement shrouded in Love and Truth. Just like the infant Jesus as He lay in the stable that joyful Day so long ago. The Truth of God's great Love for us as He humbled Himself to become a man to walk amongst us. To save us from spending eternity in a place of anguish and great pain. On this Day, Love was born. Salvation, hope, joy, peace, healing, mercy and all things good. The doorway (the only door) to the goodness of God was ushered into this atmosphere with great fanfare.

Let us pray: Heavenly Father, You are the most High God who dwells above all and over all things. I am a mere human being who knows no good thing dwells in my flesh. Sometimes believing I am the chiefest of all sinners, yet you move your awesome power through this puny frame. Forgive me dear Lord for all sin and iniquity in my life. Forgive me of fear and unbelief. Please speak your Words through me. Prepare our hearts to receive your Truth. Wash us with your Holy Word, your forgiveness and unfailing Love. Not my will but your will be done. For your Glory. For the sake of Your Kingdom. In the name of that beautiful baby born this Day....Jesus. Amen.

These messages have always gone out to all categories of people. The unbeliever, the lukewarm and to humble souls who are on fire for the Kingdom of Light. I have heard it all over the past few decades. Many throw these messages in the garbage landing beside their true god...the TV guide. Some complain that the messages are too long but yield to reading three or four novels a week...washing their souls with things that have no life. Some have declared "who are you to preach to me?" To them the easiest answer is not I. Others have said in their hearts, "I already know all these things, why must I consider it again?" This is the most dangerous attitude of all because pride is surely the greatest enemy we have. The one God actually resists. To you I beg and plead...humble yourself under the mighty hand of God. His Word is always alive and must be greatly respected. His Word is higher than even His Name. And to you who hunger and thirst after righteousness, who long to be with your first Love....Jesus, practice hiding yourself in the "CLEFT of the ROCK" now. His Glorious appearing is upon us but so is His judgement upon this nation. It will affect us all. Will we run from Him or to Him when our comfort zone is displaced beyond what we can even consider in our thoughts? God help me stand less I fall.

All ten virgins (Matthew 25: 1-13) were believers, full of the Holy Spirit and the Love of God. Yet five slumbered in the last few minutes before their bridegroom appeared. When all hell broke loose they couldn't muster the faith or grace to survive. They couldn't purchase peace and joy from anyone else on that terrible Day. We must keep alert and faithful now more than ever my dear loved ones.

Remember Moses? He wanted God more than anything. He not just wanted Him but he wanted to see Him. (Exodus 33: 12-23) Yet God had to shield him from the awesomeness of His supreme Glory less he die. God placed father Moses in the "CLEFT of the ROCK." I tell you dear ones that the cleft was none other than that small baby named Jesus. How could that infant so tiny, so frail, the One on so many of your cards, hold back the destroying power of His Holiness against the sin in Moses? For all have sinned. (Romans 3: 22-23) That cleft represented all that Jesus is to us. Sure the angels proclaimed great joy at the birth of Jesus, but they were looking ahead at the entire embodiment of what that baby represented. The birth: God's first display of His Love towards us in His humble act of leaving His lofty throne to save us. His Crucifixion: A sinless God (Jesus) dying for me. How could that be? It's the purest Love my dear friend. And very real. Jesus paying the penalty for my sin with His divine blood. (Hebrews 9: 14, 22-28) The Resurrection: God displaying His glorious power even over death. Showing us that, yes, because of Me, you too can live a glorious eternal life. With Me forever. Your job is to but believe. That's too easy. That's what sheltered Moses. His faith in God's Word. And God put him in Jesus "the CLEFT of the ROCK." That's a good place to be.

What if you wake up tomorrow and there was no oil for transportation? No way to work. No moving of goods. Well, no work for that matter. Awakened to total chaos...race wars...economic disasters. No electricity. Prayerful for even a loaf of bread. Would your heart fail or is your peace, joy and resources invested in God alone? Our nation is already under judgement as millions pour into this country...stealing from us...killing us. Our enemies have come in. But judgement is not because of our declining morality. It is because our nation continues to abuse the beloved Bride of Christ. God has destroyed whole nations because of such abuse against His Chose Ones. Judgement will come. It is already here. But so is the hope of His Coming. So is the "CLEFT of the ROCK." NOW!

I do not believe in scaring people into salvation. I believe God's hand is always lifting up Jesus before us so we can see His awesome Love. To the unbeliever: Cry out now to the Holy One for He is surely tugging at your heart. Don't be scared of losing the life you have built for yourself. Repent of your sins now and receive divine cleansing. A brand new life full of hope, joy, peace and a most wonderful love affair with the creator of all things. (Romans 10: 9-13) Enter into the CLEFT (Jesus) and He will enter into you. God have mercy on you who are lukewarm. (Revelation 3: 15,16) How has satan deceived you into being in such a condition? Are you mad at God because He took your loved one? Are you walking in condemnation over past sins? What has hardened your heart making you feel unworthy, frustrating you from surrendering once again? Are you entangled in a church that preaches only "feel good" messages? Denying the Word which convicts of sin and gives Godly sorrow. Run away as fast as you can! Have you tried the prosperity message and it didn't work for you? Were you left with resentment in your heart? Are you caught in a religious system that has robbed you of the true freedom to be intimate with our Holy Jesus? One on One? (Ephesians 2:8,9) Don't be lazy. Get your Bible out and look up these verses on your own. Jesus is there. Today is the day of repentance. Today. Like my daddy says: "God hasn't fallen off His throne." He has not left you. Come back. Come back to the "CLEFT of the ROCK." What a glorious embrace He will give you this day. He can't stop thinking of you. (Isaiah 49: 15,16) God adores you. His heart is breaking for you. Come.

And to those who walk in Light. Who are abiding in the CLEFT now. Who are led by the Spirit. Who joyfully and expectantly await His Coming. Continue to spend time with Him (LOVE). Continue to have faith in His covenant promises. Continue to serve. Keep your oil full and your supply everlasting and you will be kept in the CLEFT during God's business in these forthcoming days. Remember the lion and the bear. As crisis come you will be likened unto the children of Israel in the land of Goshen. (Exodus 10: 21-23) Get ready...God's Glory will flow through you to all peoples of the world. Many will want to be in your CLEFT. Show them the way.

Yes a child was born. God became man. But let us always embrace the whole message of the manger scene. In that stall I also see the cross that Jesus was nailed to. I see His Glorious Resurrection giving me hope of life with Him eternally. The "CLEFT of the ROCK" is where I want to be. How about you?

Some of you know that my wife and I have a real home for a change. Our first year was spent in a 400 sq. foot mobile home. Small but it was sure a blessing from God. I had lived 19 years there. So we went hog wild with decorating our home this year. Ever see Chevy Chase in" Christmas Vacation?" I think you can see our home from the space station. But it has occurred to all this prettiness squandered on ourselves? Because of that thought we have purposed to actually say "Oh Lord, we worship you as we turn on these lights. Let these displays honor You for all You have done for us and mankind everywhere." Who knows. We might leave them up always. For our hearts reflect on the Christmas and Easter message every day. I wonder if we will have the faith to pay our electric bill? Sure we will because we are hidden in the "CLEFT of the ROCK."

